Friday, June 15, 2012

Cute Hoosier just came in!

Wonderful 1930-40's Hoosier cabinet (We can guess the age by the rounded corners). AND it has a working flour sifter! Restored and repainted, it looks great in front of the flag wall! Sliding enamel work surface goes from a trim 25 1/2" to a nice 34" deep. 7 cupboards and 4 drawers for lots of storage. Overall dimensions are 48" wide by 72" tall by 25 1/2 " deep. We rarely see such a nice unfitted baking cabinet that has stood up to time this well.


  1. wish I could head that way tomorrow. Got my own place to run! maybe another time.

    hope it is a fun day!


  2. Does anyone know what brand and year this Hoosier is? I have one similar and I can't find the information.
